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Welcome to International Journal of Science Management and Engineering Research (IJSMER)

A Social Psychology ApproacAgent-Based Modelling of Opinion Development in Social Networks: hA Social Psychology Approach

Volume 9 | Issue 2 | July 2024

     Your Paper Publication Details:

     Title: Agent-Based Modelling of Opinion Development in Social Networks: A Social Psychology Approach

     DOI (Digital Object Identifier) :

     Pubished in Volume: 9  | Issue: 2  | Year: July 2024

     Publisher Name : IJSMER-Rems Publishing House | | ISSN : 2455-6203

     Subject Area: CSE, Engineering & Technology

     Author type: Indian Author

     Pubished in Volume: 9

     Issue: 2

     Pages: 20-25

     Year: July 2024

     E-ISSN Number: 2455-6203

     Download: 6

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    The majority of earlier opinion modelling studies did not concurrently examine group dynamics and individual mental processes. The goal of this study is to present an agent-based onlineopinion formation model from the perspectives of sociology and psychology, drawing on group behaviour theory, attitude change theory, and evolutionary game theory. According to this paradigm, the group atmosphere, recipient characteristics, and leaders' trustworthiness all have an impact on the persuasive process. The suggested model is used to examine how opinion leaders, topic type, and parameter changes affect the creation of opinions on Twitter. The results of the experiment demonstrate that there is more sustainability and unpredictability in the opinion evolution of contentious topics. Opinion formation is greatly influenced by the benefit to cost ratio; the most unified global attitudes or the longest relaxing period will arise from a moderate ratio. In addition, popular opinion might be influenced by celebrities who have a huge following rather than by specialists. The research on opinion formation modelling is enhanced by this work, and the findings offer company managers useful information on public relations and market forecasting.


    Opinion modelling, social psychology, attitude change, game theory,social network

     Authors and Affiliations

    Maneesha Paliwal
    Research Scholar,Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering, Eklavya University Damoh, Madhya Pradesh,India
    Dr. Anil Pimpalapure
    Professor & Dean, Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering,Eklavya University Damoh, Madhya Pradesh,India
    Dr. Prashant Sen
    Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering,Eklavya University Damoh, Madhya Pradesh,India


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